
Sister’s Birthday Party

Samantha's 2 years old birthday party is the first birthday party I attended. Thanks to Auntie Elaine for taking such great photos. Although I can't enjoy the food and birthday cake, Mom do feed me with milk during the party.


Full Moon

I have been one month old. As a tradition of chinese, we have a small dinner gathering with my relatives.



What's in a Name

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

Dad and Mom finalized my chinese name as 李大剛.  Dad went to The Births and Deaths General Register Office in Admiralty and registered my name today.

Apparently, the name sounds a bit bold and not match with my tiny size but Dad told me another story.

According to Dad, my name is source from a poem written by a Qing Dynasty official who had a historical linkage with Hong Kong, where I was born.

林則徐  「 海納百川 有容乃大

     壁立千刃 無欲則剛 」

林則徐 (1785 – 1850)





This bold name would also be balanced by the soft nature of my english name – Wilfred.